How to get

Create an account
Simple sign up and add your university details. Complete your profile by adding the logo of your university and a short description.

Approve your Professors
On your dashboard in the side bar you will find your professors who have signed up which you can apporve from you account.

Approve your Students
On your dashboard in the side bar you will find your students who have signed up which you can approve from your account.
How to get

Create an account
Simply signup and add your details. Complete your profile by adding your photo and a short description.

Create a class and assign
You can create a class, share the link to your students to join. Business will assign projects, which you can assign to your students in your class lists.

Grade and Submit to Business
Once you receive student projects within the deadline you set, you can grade them and assign the best projcts to the business. And help your students get real-world experience.
How to get

Create an account
Simply sign up and add your details. Complete your profile by adding your photo and a short description.

Join your first class
Join you first class with the link your professor shares which leads you to your own unique digital classroom.

Complete your first project
Once you receive the project based on the needs of a REAL business from your professor, complete your project and get your first certificate of acknowledgement from the business.
How to get

Create an account
Simply sign up and add your company details.
complete your Profile by adding the logo
of your company and a short description.

Create your first project
Create a project, set a deadline and assign it to
a professor from the many universities and departments
we have.

Issue your first certificate
Once you receive student projects based on your business
needs from the professor assigned, issue your first certificate
acknowledgement to the students.
Access to 6000+ students across 6+ universities
- Business
- Technology
- Social Science
- Visual Communication

Global businesses spanning over 3 major continents